This is the main PCB assembly and all the required components to populate it, for the QCX-mini kit.
In other words, the "bottom half" of the QCX-mini kit.
The following items are not included in this kit and should be ordered separately if you need them:
- T1.xx microcontroller chip
- Low Pass Filter components (L1, L2, L3 toroids and capacitors C25/6/7/8)
- T37-2 toroid (L4)
- T50-2 toroid (T1)
In most cases, if you are rebuilding a new main board because of some issue with the original one, you will be able to salvage these components from the main board.
QCX-mini main board and components
- Product Code: QCXminiMainPCB
- Availability: 2
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