Chip for the QCX+ CW Transceiver kit, version 1.09a. This is an ATmega328 chip. This chip is compatible with all versions of the QCX including all PCB revisions of the original classic QCX, the QCX+ a..
Chip for the Clock kit, c1.03d. This is the ATmega328 chip.
Version history: please see 18-Dec-2021: The ATmega328 chip is now unobtainable at any distribut..
Raised Cosine Key Shaper chip that can be used with the 5W HF PA kit to make a standalone PA with raised cosine RF envelope shape for click-free CW keying. Please refer to App Note AN005 for details. ..
Chip for the VFO/SigGen kit, firmware version s1.04. This is a programmed ATmega328 chip.
Version history: please see 18-Dec-2021: The ATmega328 chip is n..
Chip for the Ultimate QRSS kit, v1.09.
Note that the Ultimate QRSS kit is now retired and replaced by the Ultimate3. This is the chip for the OLD Ultimate Kit, not the new one!
Chip for the Ultimate2 QRSS kit, v2.07. (Note: now includes the functionality of the v2.03k version).
Note that this is the chip for the NEW Ultimate2 Kit, not the older retired Ultimate kit! This ..
Chip for the Ultimate3/3S QRSS kit, v3.09f. This is the ATmega328 chip.
Note that this is the chip for the Ultimate3/3S Kit, it will work in both the U3 and U3S kits. But it is not for the old..
Chip for the Ultimate3S QRSS/WSPR kit, v3.12a. This is the ATmega328 chip.
Note that this is the chip for the NEW Ultimate3S Kit, not the older retired Ultimate (U1), Ultimate2 (U2) or Ultimat..